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Writer's pictureEmma Andrews

Exploring's Commitment to Sustainability

Jet2 Net Zero

Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to fly on one of's brand-new Airbus A321 Neo aircraft. These planes are making waves in the aviation industry, boasting a remarkable 20% increase in fuel efficiency, emitting 20% less CO2, and producing 50% less noise compared to their predecessors in the single-aisle aircraft class.

After our flight, we were given an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of's operations at Manchester Airport. It was a fascinating journey into the world of sustainable aviation.

Discovering Sustainability at the Heart of Operations

Talk in Manchester Airport

Our tour kicked off with a visit to the airside office. Here, we delved into Manchester Airport's sustainability strategy and learned how it contributes to Jet2's ambitious Net Zero objectives.

One of the highlights of this strategy is Jet2's commitment to the "On the Ground" pillar. Their goal is impressive: by the end of 2023, they aim to have 50% of's Ground Service Equipment (GSE) powered by electricity, whether through fully electric or hybrid means, or biodiesel. It's a lofty goal, and they are well on their way, with 90% of the GSE fleet at Manchester Airport already operating on electric power or manual operation.

100% Electric Vehicle

Across's airport bases, nearly half of the total fleet runs on electricity, showing significant progress toward exceeding their 50% target.

A Glimpse of Sustainability in Action

Our tour continued airside, where we observed a low-emission turnaround in action. This process used all-electric GSE to prepare the very A321 Neo aircraft we had just flown on for its next flight. The term "GSE" encompasses the equipment used by's ground operation colleagues to prepare each aircraft for takeoff, including Ground Power Units (GPU), baggage handling equipment, and more.

Aircraft Turnaround

What's worth noting is that all the electric GSE used by the airline at Manchester Airport is charged with fully renewable electricity, aligning perfectly with Jet2's Net Zero objectives.

Jet2's Remarkable Sustainability Achievements has made significant strides in its Net Zero strategy. This includes investments in a UK-based Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) plant set to be constructed in the North West of England. They've also implemented more efficient routing and aircraft weight-saving initiatives to reduce carbon emissions.

Tour behind the scenes

Additionally, is committed to receiving its first shipment of UK-produced SAF by 2026. They've taken steps to purchase up to 146 more efficient Airbus A320/A321 Neo aircraft and replace onboard single-use plastics with more sustainable alternatives. They're even offsetting every tonne of carbon emitted by their aircraft, ensuring accountability for their environmental impact.

Looking Ahead: Sustainable Travel with Jet2holidays

Looking to the future, Jet2holidays is set to launch its sustainable hotel labelling scheme by the end of 2023. This initiative will empower customers to choose from a range of hotels certified to meet a sustainability standard recognized by the GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council).

Emma with a 100% Electric vehicle's commitment to sustainability is not just a trend but a tangible reality. Their efforts in reducing the environmental footprint of air travel are commendable, and their dedication to a greener future is evident in every aspect of their operations. As passengers, it's inspiring to see the aviation industry take significant steps toward a more sustainable future.

If you'd like information on how to travel more sustainably, do get in touch, This is something I am really passionate about and have lots of knowledge and understanding as well as first-hand experience of.

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